KIMED, Portfolio Investments, Financial Advisory, Real Estate - KIMED Investments & Management AG

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Portfolio Investments

We invest in companies with a sustainable promising business model over all sectors and
development stages from BioTech over financial platforms & services to manufacturing and ITC.

Real Estate

For our partners, affiliated family offices and investment funds we  provide services all around real estate from
structuring purchase  financing over property & lease management till search and disposal  of larger real estate investments.

Financial Advisory

Our portfolio companies benefit from a comprehensive financial and capital market know-how from raising funds
by private placements over structuring mezzanine capital or bonds to IPOs and secondary offerings  for various occasions.

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Betreiber und Kontakt:
KIMED Investments & Management AG

Söllbachtalstraße 15b
83707 Bad Wiessee

Tel: 08022857463

KIMED Investments & Management AG wird vertreten durch Korbinian Hofmann
Register und Registernummer: Lower Court Munich HRB 136 338

DE 215 274 007

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